Sunday, June 08, 2008

(of my late parents)
Show me folks if you have one as splendid;
know Dad & Mum's is this special all the way
A lovely plan to have ten, the modern day "handbrake!!"
parents would never dare dream of having half the number.
"We'll have to plan our work and work our plans-and ours
will be tough children planning on their own", they quipped.

First there will be five...
soon it is number seven... that's CK on mum's lap
Finally it is ten...QED (upon solving a maths problem)
CK is first row first on the left. In case you don't know
taking a photo like this is a great feat. The photo studio
is several miles away in town. Getting there was already
a problem back then. Never mind about more of others
but all participants showed their best for this great picture
you will agree won't you? One was away then

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Mum, seated second from left